Airlock Browser Programming Guide

For Airlock Browser Version 2.0, Android

Table of Contents


Airlock Browser includes a rich set of client-side JavaScript APIs that allow you to control many aspects of the browser and device. Airlock Browser JavaScript APIs via can be invoked from an on-page script or from a remote web application JavaScript event handler.

NOTE: Please note that there exists comprehensive working samples for the APIs listed in this document.

In this document you explore the following sets of APIs, which are grouped together in the following JavaScript namespaces:

  • Provides licensing, updates, versioning, and APIs for exiting the app.
  • airlock.browsing Allows you to control the user’s web browsing experience.
  • airlock.device Provides functions for interacting with the device at the OS level.
  • Provides APIs for reading and writing files.
  • airlock.log Provides persistent logging capabilities.
  • airlock.networking Provides functions and events for working with the network capabilities of a device.
  • airlock.printing Allows for printing of documents.
  • airlock.scanning Provides various functions for working with the hardware barcode scanner.
  • airlock.speech Brings text to speech capabilities to your web application.
  • airlock.ui Allows you to control various user interface elements within the browser.

NOTE: For security reasons, the JavaScript APIs can only be called from a page with a domain that matches one of the domains of a web profile, present on the launchpad. This prevents unauthorized web sites from invoking a function from a web page. The launchpad is the panel that slides in from left to right. More information regarding the launchpad can be found in the User Guide

Ensuring Airlock is Ready to Receive Commands

The JavaScript object that you use to call through to Airlock Browser is named airlock. The airlock object is available after the web page is loaded. The HTML body.onload event or other events that indicate that the page has loaded may occur before airlock has been properly initialized. To determine when the airlock object is initialized, use the airlock.onReady function, as shown in the following example:


		function handleAirlockReady() {
			var decoder = airlock.scanning.getDecoderWithNativeId(71);
			decoder.enabled = false;

The specified function is called immediately following the window.onload event. The parameter to the onReady function is a string containing JavaScript.

Please note: When using the Edit JavaScript feature do not use the airlock.onReady(...) function, as it is called before your script executes. When using the ‘On Page Load’ option call the function directly like so:

function handleAirlockReady() {
	var decoder = airlock.scanning.getDecoderWithNativeId(71);
	decoder.enabled = false;


Enabling Intellisense

During development of your web application, you can include the Airlock.js file in your project for intellisense/code completion support. The JSDoc comments within the file include type and parameter information, together with working samples. This aids in increasing the speed of development and reduces errors from typos.

In addition, you can also find JavaScript files with type definitions for various

NOTE: Airlock Browser includes 80+ APIs for controlling and interacting with the browsers. Only a small subset are covered in this guide. Please see the Working Samples and API Documentation for more information.

Exploring the App Namespace

The namespace contains functions for licensing, updates, versioning, and APIs for exiting the app.

To see the APIs in this namespace in action, please see the samples for the app namespace.

Retrieving the Airlock Browser Version Number

To retrieve the version number of the application call the function. This function returns an object containing a name property, which is a string with a value resembling 2.0.13; and a code property, which is a number correlating to the numeric version number of the app; for example 132013.

Knowing the version number of the application allows you, for example to test whether an API feature is supported, or whether an app update needs to be rolled out to the device.

Determining if Airlock Browser is Licensed

Managing the licenses for application across your organization can be an arduous task. While the Outcoder Licensing System allows you to pinpoint those devices that have, or have not been, assigned a license, the JavaScript API also allows you to query the browser for its licensed status.

To retrieve the license status of Airlock Browser call its function. This function returns a Boolean value indicating whether or not a valid license is in place.

Minimizing the Browser

Airlock Browser allows you to minimize the app via its function. When this function is called, the browser is deactivated and the user is returned to the Android start screen.

Exiting the Browser

Sometimes you may wish to close the Airlock Browser app. This is achieve by calling the function, which causes Airlock Browser to close all of its related activities and return the user to the Android start screen.

By default a notification is displayed to the user, informing him or her that the app is about to exit. You can override this behavior by specifying the Boolean showNotification parameter.

Exiting the Browser and Launching Another App

Supplemental to the function is the, showNotifaction) function, which causes the app to exit, and the specified app package to be launched if present on the system.

As with the function, you can specify whether the user is notified, using the function’s showNotification parameter.

Launching Another App

If you wish Airlock Browser to remain open, but require another app to be launched, use the function. This function throws an exception if the specified package name cannot be found. To determine if a package is installed on the device, use the airlock.device.isPackageInstalled(packageName) function.

Controlling the App’s Browsing Behavior

The airlock.browsing namespace contains functions that allow you to control the user’s web browsing experience.

To see the APIs in this namespace in action, please see the browsing samples.

Defining the Navigation Error Action

Sometimes a network outage may occur, or a link on a page may result in a not found HTTP 404 error. In this situation you can choose to either show an error page, or simply ignore the error and prevent navigation. This is done using the airlock.browsing.setNavigationErrorAction(action, url). Sets the navigation error action associate with the specified URL.

The action parameter of the function is a airlock.browsing.NavigationErrorAction type, and can be either 0 (REDIRECT_TO_ERROR_PAGE) or 1 (PREVENT_NAVIGATION).

To retrieve an error action for a particular page use the airlock.browsing.getNavigationErrorAction(url) function. This function gets the navigation error action associate with the URL, if specified. If a URL is not specified, the navigation error action for the current remote web application is returned. And, if that is not specified, the browser’s navigation error action setting is returned.

Configuring the Text Size for a Page

The text on a page can often appear too small on some devices. This may be because of the screen size of the device, or because the web page was not created with mobile devices in mind. To counteract that, Airlock Browser provides a airlock.browsing.setTextZoomLevel(level) function, that allows you to set the size of the text according to the viewing requirements of your users. The specified level parameter is a floating point number where 1.0 is the normal size for the text. 2.0, for example, indicates double the normal size. The specified value is clamped between 0.1 and 5.0. In other words, if you provide a value outside that range, the the nearest valid value is used.

To retrieve the current text size use airlock.browsing.getTextZoomLevel().

Interacting with the Device at the OS Level

The airlock.device namespace provides functions for interacting with the device at the OS level, such as changing the screen brightness or sounding a tone.

To see the APIs in this namespace in action, please see the Device samples.

Changing the Screen’s Brightness

To retrieve the screen current brightness level, use the airlock.device.getBrightness() function, which returns a floating point value between 0 and 1, where 1 indicates maximum brightness.

To change the screen brightness level, use the airlock.device.setBrightness(brightness) function, which accepts a floating point number between 0 and 1. The specified value is clamped between 0.1 and 1.0 to prevent the device being unusable.

Configuring the Ringer Mode of the Device

Ordinarily an Android device is capable of sounding an audible alert and/or vibrating when an incoming call is received. You configure this behavior using the airlock.device.setRingerMode(mode) function, which accepts a airlock.device.RingerMode enumeration value.

  • A value of 2 (NORMAL) specifies that the ringer mode may be audible and may vibrate. It will be audible if the volume before changing out of this mode was audible. It will vibrate if the vibrate setting is on.
  • A value of 1 (VIBRATE) specifies that the ringer is silent and will vibrate. This value causes the phone ringer to always vibrate.
  • A value of 0 (SILENT) specifies that the ringer is silent and will not vibrate. (This overrides the vibrate setting.)

The get the current ringer mode use the airlock.device.getRingerMode() function.

Controlling Device Volume

Airlock Browser allows you to control various volume streams via the airlock.device.setVolume(streamType, volume). streamType is a airlock.device.StreamType enumeration value, with the following values:

  • VOICE_CALL (0): used to identify the volume of audio streams for phone calls.
  • SYSTEM (1): Used to identify the volume of audio streams for system sounds.
  • RING (2): Used to identify the volume of audio streams for the phone ring.
  • MUSIC (3): Used to identify the volume of audio streams for music playback.
  • ALARM (4): Used to identify the volume of audio streams for alarms.
  • NOTIFICATION (5): Used to identify the volume of audio streams for notifications.
  • DTMF (8): Used to identify the volume of audio streams for DTMF Tones. Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) tones are used by automated dial-in systems such as voicemail or where prompts are used to navigate.

The volume parameter is a number between 0 and the maximum volume. To determine the maximum volume for a particular stream, use the getMaxVolume function, as demonstrated:

var maxVolume = airlock.device.getMaxVolume(airlock.device.StreamType.MUSIC);

To retrieve the current volume level for a particular stream, use the airlock.device.getMaxVolume(streamType) function.

Sounding an Audible Beep

Airlock Browser allows you to sound an audible beep for a specified duration and frequency using the airlock.device.beep(durationMS, toneFrequency) function, where durationMS is the duration of the sound in milliseconds, and toneFrequency is the frequency in Hertz.

Creating a Custom Beep

If a single toned beep doesn’t fit your needs, then you can use the airlock.device.soundToneFollowedBySilence(soundMS, silenceMS, playCount, toneFrequency) function to sound multiple beeps. The function plays a tone at the specified toneFrequency for the specified number of times; each time followed by a period of silence. The soundMS parameter determines the duration of the tone at each repetition, and the silenceMS determines the duration of the silence interval following the tone. Both are in milliseconds.

Vibrating the Device

In noisy environments, supplementing audible alerts with vibration can make your application more usable. To vibrate the device for a specified duration use the airlock.device.vibrate(vibrateMS, intervalMS, count) function. All three parameters of the vibrate function are optional. By default the vibrate function vibrates the device for 100 milliseconds. You can change this duration by specifying the vibrateMS parameter. In addition you can also specify an interval of non-vibration and a count value, which causes the device to vibrate and then pause vibration repeatedly. This operates much like the soundToneFollowedBySilence function, described above.

Retrieving Detailed Device Information

Sometimes you need detailed information about the device on which your application is running. Using the airlock.device.getSystemInfo() function you can retrieve detailed information regarding the device, operating system, and display properties; as well as a unique device identifier. getSystemInfo() returns a airlock.device.SystemInfo object, with the following properties:

  • manufacturer {string} The manufacturer of the device.
  • brand {string} The brand of the device.
  • model {string} The model of the device.
  • board {string} The name of the underlying board, like ‘goldfish’.
  • hardware {string} The name of the hardware (from the kernel command line or /proc).
  • serial {string} A hardware serial, if available.
  • deviceId {string} A unique identifier for the device. This value may change with a factory reset.
  • apiLevel {string} The Android build level (the SdkInt).
  • sdk {string} The Android build name. For example ‘kitkat’.
  • buildId {string} Either a change list number or a number like “M4-rc20”
  • buildTime {string} A long value that is a Unix epoch timestamp (in milliseconds) indicating when the device’s ROM was built
  • buildVersion {string} The OS’s user-visible version string. E.g., “1.0” or “3.4b5”.
  • displayInfo {airlock.device.DisplayInfo} Indicates the properties of the device display.

The airlock.device.DisplayInfo type is useful for determining the display capabilities of the device and contains the following properties:

  • widthPixels {number} Width of the screen in pixels.
  • heightPixels {number} Height of the screen in pixels.
  • density {number} The logical density of the display.
  • scaledDensity {number} A scaling factor for fonts on the display.
  • widthDpi {number} The physical pixels per inch of the screen in the X dimension.
  • heightDpi {number} The physical pixels per inch of the screen in the Y dimension.
  • densityDpi {number} The screen density expressed as dots per inch.

Detecting if an Application Package is Installed

Before launching an external app via the function, it’s important to test if the package is installed. You do this using the airlock.device.isPackageInstalled(packageName) function, which returns true if the package is installed, and false otherwise.

Monitoring the Power State of the Device

It’s important to notify the user if the device battery is running low and if a current activity is in danger of not being able to be completed because of an imminent device shutdown. The airlock.device.onPowerChanged event allows you to monitor, in real-time, the power state of the device. It provides you with a notification when the device battery level changes by two percent, or when the device is plugged or unplugged from an external power supply.

To subscribe to the event call the addListener function of the event as shown in the following example:


The handlePowerChanged parameter is a function in your code that will receive a airlock.device.PowerInfo object when the event is raised; as demonstrated by the following:

function handlePowerChanged(args) {
	if (args.powerSource === airlock.device.PowerSource.BATTERY) {
		// Using battery. Display remaining battery percentage.

The properties of the PowerInfo type are described in the following list:

  • powerSource {airlock.device.PowerSource}:
    • BATTERY (0): A battery power source.
    • EXTERNAL (1): An external power supply such as mains power.
  • remainingBatteryMinutes {number}: An estimate of the number of minutes of remaining battery charge.
  • remainingBatteryPercent {number}: A value between 0 and 100 indicating the battery charge remaining. Note that this value may not be indicative of the time until the device runs out of charge, as the device may be connected to mains power and charging. See the batteryState value.
  • batteryState {airlock.device.BatteryState}: Indicates the charging state of battery.
    • UNKNOWN (0): The battery state is unknown.
    • CHARGING (1): Indicates the unit is charging.
    • DISCHARGING (2): Indicates the battery is running down.
    • FULL (4): Battery is fully charged.
    • NOT_CHARGING (8): Battery is not charging.

NOTE: The onPowerChanged is raised when the devices power source changes, or when the remaining battery percent changes by 2 or more percent. The reason why it is 2 percent and not 1 percent, is that when the device is charging and sitting on about 100%, the remaining charge level will frequently oscillate, up and down, by 1 percent. This can unnecessarily burden your page with events calls.

To remove a listener from the onPowerChanged event, use the removeListener(function) function, as shown:


Controlling when the Screen Times-out

You can improve the battery life of the device, and in some scenarios increase security of your applications, by reducing the amount of time needed to engage the lock screen after the user becomes inactive.

To set the lock screen timeout value use the airlock.device.setScreenTimeoutMS(timeoutMS) function. The timeoutMS parameter specifies the duration in milliseconds before the lock screen is engaged.

NOTE: Decreasing the time-out value substantially can negatively affect the usability of the app if the user is required to authenticate to regain access.

To retrieve the current lock screen timeout value use the airlock.device.getScreenTimeoutMS() function.

Locking and Unlocking the Screen

When the devices screen times-out, or the user explicitly engages the lock-screen, your application is able to unlock the screen using the airlock.device.unlockScreen() function.

You can also choose to engage the lock screen by calling the airlock.device.lockScreen() function.

To determine the current state of the lock screen; whether it is locked or unlocked, use the airlock.device.isScreenLocked() function.

The lock screen APIs comprise a special set of functions that require explicit permission be granted while the app is running. This step only needs to be undertaken once, but if it is not, an exception is raised when attempting to read or set the locked state of the screen. You can do this via the Enterprise Administration screen within Airlock Browser. See the following section.

Setting Advanced Scripting Permission

Some APIs present in the airlock.device namespace require that Airlock Browser be granted device admin privileges. The following APIs require this:

  • airlock.device.lockScreen()
  • airlock.device.unlockScreen()
  • airlock.device.isScreenLocked()

To grant Airlock Browser device admin privileges, use the Enable device administration link on the Administration screen of the app.

NOTE: Calling these functions without device admin, raises a JavaScript error.

Reading and Writing Files

Airlock Browser offers an extensive set of APIs for reading and writing files, and creating and searching for files and directories.

To see the APIs in this namespace in action, please see the IO samples.

A Note about JavaScript Promises

While some functions are synchronous, most of the functions in the namespace are asynchronous and use JavaScript promises. Promises is a feature of modern JavaScript and provides an elegant way of handling callbacks from asynchronous code. Some of the JavaScript APIs, especially those in the and airlock.networking namespaces, can potentially take seconds to complete. Rather than lock the UI thread of the browser, some calls are performed on a background thread and returned to the your code via a promise.

If you are new to promises, please see one of the many tutorials online covering promises. In this section you see how to employ promises to read and write files in a asynchronous manner.

You see later in this section how you can use the async/await features of EcmaScript 2015, to treat promises in a synchronous manner; greatly simplifying your code. So, if the Promise code structure seems a little daunting or complex, take a look at the section entitled Simplifying Your Code with Async/Await to see what can be achieved with async/await in Android 7.0 (Nougat) onward.

Copying a File

To copy a file use the, destinationPath, overwriteIfExists) function. It accepts a string path to an existing file and a destination path, which denotes where to place the copied file. If overwriteIfExists is false, and a file already exists with the destinationPath, then a exception is thrown.

The copyFile function is an asynchronous operation and returns a promise. To no for certain if the function completed successfully or if an exception was raised, you need to use the promise. See the following example:, destinationPath)
 	.then(function () {
 		alert('File moved to: ' + destinationPath);
 	}).catch(function (error) {
 		alert('Error: ' + error);

If and when the file is copied correctly, the ‘then’ function is called. If an exception is thrown, then you have the opportunity to handle it in the catch function.

Deleting a File

To delete a file call the function, as demonstrated in the following example:
	.then(function () {
		alert('File deleted.');
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

Determining if a File Exists

To test for the exists of a file use the function, as shown:
	.then(function (fileExists) {
		alert('File exists:' + fileExists);
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error:' + error);

true is provided to the then function if the file exists; false otherwise.

Determining if a Directory Exists

To test for the exists of a directory use the function, as shown:
	.then(function (fileExists) {
		alert('Directory exists: ' + fileExists);
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

true is provided to the then function if the directory exists; false otherwise.

Working with Directories

Before you can create a file in a directory, you must be certain that the directory exists. To test for the existance of a directory use the function, as shown in the following example:
    .then(function (exists) {
		alert('Directory exists: ' + exists);
		// Create a file etc.
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

If exists is false then use the function to create a new directory, as shown:
    .then(function (exists) {
		if (!exists) {
	        .then(function () {
		alert('Created directory ' + newDir);
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);
	.then(function () {
		alert('Created directory ' + newDir);
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

Creating or Opening Files

The, fileMode) function is a cornerstone in Airlock Browser for working with files. The fileMode parameter determines the behavior of the function; whether it creates or opens an existing file; whether is truncates or appends to a file, are determined by the parameter. See the following example:

var file1Handle;,
	.then(function (fileHandle) {
		file1Handle = fileHandle;
		alert('Successfully opened ' + filePath);
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

The return value of the openFile function is an identifier or handle that you use to read, write, and close the file when you are done with it. You see examples of using the handle in subsequent sections.

The enumeration properties are described in the following list:

  • CREATE_NEW (numeric value 1): Specifies that the operating system should create a new file. If the file already exists, an IOException exception is thrown.
  • CREATE (numeric value 2): Specifies that the operating system should create a new file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. This requires Write permission. FileMode.Create is equivalent to requesting that if the file does not exist, use CreateNew; otherwise, use Truncate. If the file already exists but is a hidden file, an UnauthorizedAccessException exception is thrown.
  • OPEN (numeric value 3): Specifies that the operating system should open an existing file. A FileNotFoundException exception is thrown if the file does not exist.
  • OPEN_OR_CREATE: 4, Specifies that the operating system should open a file if it exists; otherwise, a new file should be created.
  • TRUNCATE (numeric value 5): Specifies that the operating system should open an existing file. When the file is opened, it should be truncated so that its size is zero bytes. This requires Write permission. Attempting to read from a file opened with FileMode.Truncate causes an ArgumentException exception.
  • APPEND (numeric value 6): Opens the file if it exists and seeks to the end of the file, or creates a new file. This requires Append permission. FileMode.Append can be used only in conjunction with FileAccess.Write. Trying to seek to a position before the end of the file throws an IOException exception, and any attempt to read fails and throws a NotSupportedException exception.

When you receive back a file handle, Airlock Browser maintains the current position within the file. Thus, when writing or reading data from the file, its optional to specify the location within the file; as you see in later in this section.

Chaining Promises when Working with Files

A common scenario when working with files is that you need to perform an asynchronous operation and then wait for the result. In the following example, you see how to test if a directory exists, if it doesn’t, it is created. A file is then created using the function, and its file information retrieved. Each of these steps occurs asynchronously, yet together they complete sequentially.

var directoryPath = filesDir + "/" + testDiretory;
var filePath = directoryPath + "/touchedFile.txt";
	.then(function (exists) {
		if (!exists) {
			alert("Creating directory.");
		/* Directory already exists. 
		 * Return an immediately completing promise. */
		return Promise.resolve();
	}).then(function () {
	}).then(function() {
	}).then(function(fileInfo) {
		setText(textElement, "File modified: " + fileInfo.modifiedTime);
	}).catch(function (error) {
		setText(textElement, "Error: " + error);

If an exception is raised in any of the steps leading up to displaying the modified time, it can be handled in the catch function.

Simplifying Your Code with Async/Await

If you’re planning on supporting only devices running Android 7.0 and above, you can simplify your asynchronous code by using the new async and await features of ECMAScript 2015, which make it possible to treat promises as though they were synchronous!

For example, the code example in the chaining promises example can be rewritten as follows:

async function testAwaitIOPromises(textElement) {
	try {
		var directoryPath = filesDir + "/" + testDiretory;
		var filePath = directoryPath + "/touchedFile.txt";
		var exists = await;
		if (!exists) {
			alert("Creating directory.");
		var fileInfo = await;
		setText(textElement, "File modified: " + fileInfo.modifiedTime);
	} catch (e) {
		setText(textElement, "Error: " + e);

Here you see we are able to do away with the .then() handler chains, and treat the code in the same manner as a synchronous code block.

NOTE: JavaScript that makes use of the await keyword, must be decorated with the async keyword.

Closing a File

Once you’ve opened a file, it is kept open until Airlock Browser is exited or deactivated. To close the file, so it is available for other processes, use the function; passing it the file handle returned by the openFile function. See the following example:
	.then(function () {
		alert('File closed.');
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

Deleting a Directory

Airlock Browser allows you to delete a directory using the, recursive) function. The Boolean recursive parameter tells Airlock Browser to delete the directory and its contents. If the directory is not empty and recursive is false, an exception is thrown. See the following example:, recursive)
	.then(function () {
		alert('Deleted directory ' + newDir);
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

Searching for Files or Directories

The following two functions exists to allow you to search for a file or directory matching a particular pattern:

  •, searchPattern, recursive)
  •, searchPattern, recursive)

Both return promises resulting in a list of strings. The directoryPath parameter is the path of the directory to look in. The search pattern to match against the names of directories. The searchPattern parameter can contain a combination of valid literal path and wildcard (* and ?) characters, but it does not support regular expressions. If true the Boolean recursive parameter causes nested directories to be included in the search.

The following example demonstrates how to retrieve a list of all directories beneath a specified directory, which includes all subdirectories:, "*.*", true)
	.then(function (result) {
		alert(directoryPath + ' contains: ' + result.join("\n"));
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

Likewise, to retrieve a list of all files in the specified directory and subdirectories, you could use the following:, "*.*", true)
	.then(function (result) {
		alert(directoryPath + ' contains: ' + result.join("\n"));
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

Retrieving File Information

To retrieve a file’s information use the function, which accepts a string parameter representing the path to the file. See the following example:
	.then(function (result) {
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

The resulting object is an object, with the following properties:

  • directory {string} The path to the file’s directory.
  • sizeBytes {Number} The size of the file in bytes.
  • modifiedTime {Date} The date and time that the file was last modified in universal time.
  • modifiedTimeUtc {Date} The date and time that the file was last modified in universal time.
  • creationTime {Date} The date and time that the file was created.
  • creationTimeUtc {Date} The date and time that the file was created in universal time.
  • accessedTime {Date} The date and time that the file was last accessed.
  • accessedTimeUtc {Date} The date and time that the file was last accessed in universal time.

Reading a File’s Contents as Text

There are two ways to read the contents of a file as text. To read the entire contents of a file without using a file handle, use the function. This returns a promise, which provides the text. See the following usage example:
    .then(function (text) {
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

The second approach relies on a file handle and allows you to read the whole file, or just a segment of a file. For this, use the, length, offset) function. The handle parameter is acquired when you first open or create the file. The length parameter is the length of the segment to read in characters. The encoding of the file is determined automatically. If the encoding cannot be determine, UTF-8 is used.

The offset parameter is optional and specifies where in the file to start reading. Airlock Browser maintains the current position within the file for you.

To read a line of text from the current file, use the function. The function reads a line of character from the current position until the next line break.

Writing Text to a File

Use the, text) function to write a string to a file at the current file offset. See the following usage example:, "These pretzels are making me thirsty.")
	.then(function () {
		alert(textElement, "Done");
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert(textElement, `Error ${error}`);

An exception is thrown if the text parameter is undefined.

Reading a Binary File’s Contents as Base64

Use the, length, offset) function to read the contents of a binary file as a Base64 string. The handle parameter is acquired when you first open or create the file. The length parameter is the length of the segment to read in characters.

The offset parameter denotes where within the file to start reading. If not specified, the current file offset is used.

See the following usage example:, fileLength)
	.then(function (base64) {
		var text = atob(base64);
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

Writing Binary Data to a File using Base64

To write binary data to a file, use the, base64String) function. The base64String parameter is the binary data converted to a Base64 string. To convert the binary data to a Base64 string in JavaScript use the built-in btoa function, as demonstrated in the following usage example:

var textToWrite = "That rug really tied the room together.";

var base64 = btoa(textToWrite);, base64)
	.then(function () {
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

The example takes a string and converts it to Base64, where each character in the string is treated as a byte of binary data. The Base64 string is then written as binary data to the specified file at the current file offset.

Changing the File Offset

To move to a new location with a file for reading or writing data, use the, offset) function. Unlike other functions within the namespace, seek is a synchronous operation. See the following usage example:

let position = 1024; // 1024 bytes past the start of the file., position);

To retrieve the current offset within a file, use the synchronous function, as demonstrated:

var position =;

Updating the Timestamp or Creating a File using the Touch Function

The function allows you to easily set the last modified date of a specified file to the current time. Calling this function with a file path that does not exist causes the file to be created. If the file cannot be created or the operation fails for whatever reason, an JavaScript exception is thrown.

Retrieving the Location of Special Directories

Internally, Airlock Browser saves files to the location identified by the function. This function returns a string that typically resembles /data/data/com.outcoder.ibrowser/files.

To retrieve the path to the external files directory use the function. This function gets the path to the shared directory on the device, which may or may not be located on an SD card.

Recording Application Activity using the Logging API

Logging is an important aspect of any application. It allows you to analyze errors, record unexpected events, and gives you insight into the usage of the application.

Airlock Browser provides you with an application log that is internally stored within a database. Providing you with thread-safe logging capabilities across multiple pages.

Log entries not only record messages and error information, but also include the file location of when logging information, making it easy to identify the origin of the logging activity.

To see the APIs in this namespace in action, please see the Logging samples.

Writing to the Log

The following demonstrates how to write to the log at the debug level:

airlock.log.debug("Message from my web page");

There are 4 log functions, with increasing levels of priority:

  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error

You can set the minimum logging level using the airlock.log.setMinLevel(level) function such that any logging events received having a lesser level are ignored and not written to the database.

For example, if we call airlock.log.setMinLevel(airlock.log.LogLevel.WARN), and the call"A message."), the “A message.” string is not written to the log database. If, however, we call airlock.log.warn("A message.") the “A message.” string is written to the database. By specifying the minimum log level you can tailor the logging according to your requirements. During development you might want to specify a less restrictive log level such as airlock.log.LogLevel.debug to receive more logging messages.

While there are only 4 log functions for writing log entries, these 4 are not indicative of all of the log levels. There are three others, as shown in the LogLevel enumeration below:

  • ALL (0): The least restrictive level.
  • DEBUG (2): For debugging purposes. More verbose than the Info level
  • and less verbose than the Trace level.
  • INFO (4): Signifies verbose information. More verbose than the Warn level and less verbose than the Debug level.
  • WARN (8): Signifies a warning from e.g. an unexpected event.
  • ERROR (16): When an application error occurs.
  • FATAL (32): When the application is no longer able to function or is in an unreliable state. Highly restrictive logging.
  • NONE (64): Logging is disabled.

Using NONE as the minimum log level allows you to switch off logging. Using ALL lets everything through. The FATAL level is not used at this time.

Retrieving Log Entries

To retrieve a list of log entries use the airlock.log.getEntries(startDate, endDate) function. The startDate and endDate parameters are both optional, and allow you to specify a time interval that log entries must fall between to be returned. In other words, if supplied, only those entries that fall between startDate and endDate are returned.

NOTE: When specifying an interval, you do not need to specify both a start date and an end date.

The following example demonstrates how to retrieve the log entries using a promise:

var startDate = new Date();
// Create a Date object that indicates the time one minute ago.
startDate.setMinutes(startDate.getMinutes() - 1);

// Get Entries less than 1 minute old.
    .then(function (logEntries) {
		let text = "";
		for (let i = 0; i < logEntries.length; i++) {
			let entry = logEntries[i];
			text += entry.message + "\n";
	}).catch(function(error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

Alternatively, if using an async/await approach, you could use:

try {
    await airlock.log.getEntries(startDate);
    let text = "";
	for (let i = 0; i < logEntries.length; i++) {
		let entry = logEntries[i];
		text += entry.message + "\n";
} catch (error) {
    alert('Error: ' + error);

NOTE: The use of let keyword and string interpolation using the ` back-tick symbol may not be supported on older mobile operating systems.

The result of the getEntries function is a list of airlock.log.LogEntry objects; each of which containing the following properties:

  • message string: The text content of the log entry.
  • exception string: The error associated with this entry. Can be undefined.
  • occuredUtc Date: The time and date in universal time when this entry was written to the log.
  • logLevel airlock.log.LogLevel: The log level of this entry.
  • url string: The URL of the page or JavaScript file where the log entry was written.
  • lineNumber number: The line number in the file where the call to write to the log was made.
  • function string: The name of the function where the log call took place.

Deleting Log Entries

By default, log entries remain in the database for 3 months; after which time they are automatically deleted. This helps to prevent the database from growing too large in size.

To delete log entries using the JavaScript API, use the airlock.log.deleteEntries(startDate, endDate) function. The parameters startDate and endDate work in the same manner as they do in the getLogEntries function; any log entries that fall within the interval are deleted. If not specified, all entries are deleted.

Leveraging the Networking API

Airlock Browser allows you to control the devices network connection, monitor network events, and to retrieve information regarding wireless networks in the devices vicinity.

For working examples of the functions shown in this section see the Networking samples.

Retrieving a List of Wireless Networks

To retrieve a list of wireless networks, use the airlock.networking.getWirelessNetworks function. This function returns a function, and it may take several seconds to resolve. See the following usage example:

 .then(function (result) {
		var text = '';
		// Get the SSID's for each network.
		for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
			var network = result[i];
			text += network.ssid + "\n";
 }).catch(function (error) {
		alert("Error: " + error);

If you are using an async/await approach, you can simply await the function, like so:

try {
    var result = await airlock.networking.getWirelessNetworks();
    var text = '';
    // Get the SSID's for each network.
    for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
    	var network = result[i];
    	text += network.ssid + "\n";
catch (error) {
    alert("Error: " + error);

The airlock.networking.NetworkInfo type has the following properties:

  • bssid string The address of the access point.
  • ssid string The Service Set Identifier. SSID is a case sensitive, 32 alphanumeric character unique identifier attached to the header of packets sent over a wireless local-area network(WLAN).
  • capabilities string Describes the authentication, key management and encryption schemes supported by the access point.
  • isPasspointNetwork string Gets a value indicating if this network is a passpoint network, which is an improved method for connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots from the Wi-Fi Alliance.
  • level number The detected signal level in dBm, also known as the RSSI.
  • operatorFriendlyName string The user readable name of the network. The name can be up to 64 alphanumeric characters, and can include special characters and spaces. If the name includes quotation marks (“), include a backslash character () before each quotation mark. (e.g. "example")

Retrieving the Current Network Connection Information

To retrieve the current connection information use the airlock.networking.getNetworkInfo() function. This function returns an airlock.networking.NetworkInfo object synchronously. See the following usage example:

var value = airlock.networking.getNetworkInfo();
alert("connected: " + value.connected +
	" approachingDataLimit: " + value.approachingDataLimit +
	" roaming: " + value.roaming +
	" networkConnectionType: " + value.networkConnectionType +
	" limitData: " + value.limitData +
	" ssid: " + value.ssid +
	" ipAddress: " + value.ipAddress);

Monitoring Network Connection Changes

Airlock Browser detects when there is a change in network connectivity, and can notify your page via a JavaScript handler. To define a network connectivity JavaScript handler, subscribe to the airlock.networking.onConnectionChanged event, as demonstrated in the following example:

// Subscribe to event

function handleConnectionChanged(args) {
	// Display whether the device is connected to a network.

The handler is a function you define that accepts an airlock.networking.NetworkInfo argument.

In the case when you no longer wish to receive connection change notifications, use the removeListener function to unsubscribe from the event, like so:


Controlling the Enabled State of Wireless Networking

To determine if the device is enabled for wireless networking, use the airlock.networking.isWifiEnabled() function. This function returns true if networking is enabled, and false otherwise.

To switch wireless networking on or off, use the airlock.networking.setWifiEnabled(enabled) function. If the enabled parameter is true, WIFI is enabled. If false, it is disabled.

Printing a Page via JavaScript

You are able to launch the print service, installed on a device, from either a JavaScript event handler in a web profile, or from on-page JavaScript. To launch the print service to print the current active page, use the following:


For a working example see the Printing samples page.

Harnessing the Device’s Scanning Capability

Industrial mobile computers often have a built-in hardware barcode scanner. The airlock.scanning namespace provides various functions for working with the hardware barcode scanner.

To see the APIs in this namespace in action, please see the Scanning samples.

Configuring the Barcode Reader via JavaScript

Airlock Browser provides a JavaScript API that allows you to fully configure the mobile computer’s hardware barcode reader.

NOTE: Configuration changes applied via JavaScript do not result in permanent changes to the device configuration with Airlock Browser. The device configuration, as specified in Airlock Browser’s device configuration settings, is restored when Airlock Browser is restarted. The one exception to this is the airlock.scanning.resetConfiguration() function, which does alter the devices configuration across app restarts.

To retrieve the configuration for the device use the airlock.scanning.getConfiguration() function. You can modify its properties, and then apply those changes by calling airlock.scanning.setConfiguration(configuration). Each device type has a particular set of configuration properties. To determine what properties are available for the device see the type definitions in the Device Specific Resources. The configuration type is named [SDK]DeviceConfiguration, where SDK is the name of the device SDK. For example, for the CipherLab configuration see the CipherLabDeviceConfiguration type definition.

In addition to the devices device configuration object, you can also retrieve other related values using the following functions:

  • airlock.scanning.getReaderModel() Gets the reader model as reported by the device SDK.
  • airlock.scanning.getFirmwareVersion() Gets the reader firmware version as reported by the device SDK.
  • airlock.scanning.getApiVersion() Gets the API version of the device SDK. This value is retrieved from the device SDK itself.

Retrieving a Decoder’s Configuration

The airlock.scanning object allows you to retrieve a decoder using the name of the decoder or its ID. You see how to retrieve a decoder by name in the following excerpt:

var decoder = airlock.scanning.getDecoderWithName('Code39');

NOTE: Decoder names are not case sensitive. For example, calling getDecoderWithName with a value ‘Code39’ is equivalent to calling the same method with ‘CODE39’.

Alternatively, you can retrieve the decoder object using its SDK identifier. To do so, use the getDecoderWithNativeId function, as shown in the following example:

var decoder = airlock.scanning.getDecoderWithNativeId(71);

All properties that are configurable within Airlock Browser’s device configuration screen are also configurable via JavaScript.

For a list of configurable properties specific to the device you’re using, see the Device Specific Resource Documentation

Once you have obtained a decoder object, you can set its values and then push it back to the app using the setDecoder function, as shown in the following example:

try {
	var codabarDecoder = airlock.scanning.getDecoderWithNativeId(71);
	codabarDecoder.enabled = true;
	codabarDecoder.notisEditingType = 1;
	codabarDecoder.length1 = 10;
	alert("Decoder set");
} catch (e) {
	alert("Error: " + e);

NOTE: You must call the setDecoder function of the airlock.scanner object for the setting to be applied.

The airlock.scanning.setDecoder function throws an exception if the decoder values are unable to be set.

For a working example see the Scanning samples page.

Retrieving All Decoders

You can retrieve the set of decoders using the airlock.scanning.getDecoders() function. The function returns a promise, resolving to a list of decoder objects. See the following example:

    .then(function (decoders) {
		var text = "";
		for (let i = 0; i < decoders.length; i++) {
			text += decoders[i].name + ", ";
	}).catch(function (error) {
		alert('Error: ' + error);

Responding to a Scan Event

Whenever the user scans a barcode, your page is alerted to this event via the airlock.scanning.onScan event. The following example demonstrates how to subscribe to the event:


function handleScan(args) {
	// Displays the barcode data.

To unsubscribe from the event, simply call the removeListener function, passing in the same function, like so:


The handleScan function in the example is a function that accepts a airlock.scanning.ScanEventArgs object, which has the following properties:

  • rawDataInBase64 string The raw barcode data in Base64 format (if available).
  • text string The formatted barcode data that may be modified
  • by an event handler before it is placed in a text field.
  • barcodeText string The original read-only barcode text.
  • nativeSymbologyId Number The identifier used in the device manufacturer’s SDK for a symbology.
  • symbologyName string The symbology name, such as ‘Code11’.
  • sourceScanner string The reader ID (if available).
  • insertMode number Replace = 0, Append = 1, Prepend = 2. Determines the behavior of the barcode wedge and whether it overwrites, appends, or prepends a text field with the scanned text.
  • moveToNextField boolean If true, after the scan, the browser will attempt to move to the next field on the page.
  • keyboardWedgeEnabled boolean If true, it indicates that the app may attempt to populate the current field with the barcode text.
  • timestamp Date Indicates when the scan occured.

In most cases you will be most interested in the text property, which contains the barcode text, and the nativeSymbologyId property, which indicates the symbology of the barcode.

To modify the text that is inserted into a field, modify the text property within a scan event, like so:

var barcode = scanArgs.barcodeText;
var symbology = scanArgs.nativeSymbologyId;
/* By changing the text property you change what is inserted into a field. */
scanArgs.text = symbology + ", " + barcode + ", " + barcode.length;

NOTE: You can also create a scan event handler within Airlock Browser using the JavaScript setting on the Application screen. On the Select Template screen, select Barcode Scan. This produces a script that can be augmented for your needs. You have full access to the HTML DOM within your script, as well as the airlock.* APIs. A scanArgs object is automatically provided to your handler.

Handling Scan Errors

When an error occurs while scanning a barcode, the airlock.scanning.onScanError event is raised. You subscribe to the event like so:


To unsubscribe, use the following:


The handleScanError is a function in your code that accepts a airlock.scanning.ScanErrorEventArgs object. ScanErrorEventArgs has the following two properties:

  • errorInfo A SDK specific object representing the error information provided by the device SDK.
  • timestamp A Date value indicating when the failure occurred.

Enabling Keyboard Emulation

Airlock Browser allows you to control if and how scanned data is populated into text fields. The airlock.scanning.getPopulationMethod() function retrieves population method for the current web application. It returns a airlock.scanning.PopulationMethod enumeration value, described below:

  • NONE (0): Population does not occur.
  • SET_TEXT (1): An HTML text input’s value is set to the value of scanned data.
  • EMULATE_KEYBOARD (2): Scanned text and pre and post-scan keys are sent as keyboard presses.

When set to SET_TEXT, when a barcode scan occurs the active text field is automatically populated with the scan data. This occurs by setting the HTML element’s value property.

In contrast, the EMULATE_KEYBOARD option causes the barcode text to be sent as key events to the page. This allows for control characters, such as ENTER or TAB, to be interpreted as navigation actions on a form.

You can use JavaScript to control what happens before and after a barcode scan is handled. In addition, the airlock.scanning.setPreScanKeys(keys) and airlock.scanning.setPostScanKeys(keys) allow you to define a set of keys that will be invoked when a scan occurs before processing, or after a scan occurs. The keys parameter is a string containing space delimited key codes. For example, to have Airlock Browser append a comma and then tab to the next field you could set the Post-Scan keys to 55 61.

Keys can be specified in base 10, or base 16 by prefixing with 0x.

See here for a complete list of available key codes.

NOTE: When a web application’s Scan Insert Mode is set to Replace, all text inserted using the setPreScanKeys function or the Emulate keys on scan field in the Application screen, are removed before the scanned text is inserted. To prevent this, change the Scan Insert Mode to Append in the Application screen.

Specifying a Keyboard Action During Keyboard Emulation

By default Airlock Browser invokes a down press and an up press for each key specified by the pre-scan keys and post-scan keys. When a more complex key combination is required, you can prefix the key with either d for down or u for up. This allows you to indicate that a key should be held down while another key is pressed. For example d59 30 u59 simulates holding down the shift key (code 59) while pressing the B key (code 30).

Using Text to Speech with JavaScript

You can leverage Airlock Browser text-to-speech capability and have the browser speak any text, from either a JavaScript event handler in a web profile, or from on-page JavaScript. To speak text use the following:

airlock.speech.speakText("Hi from Airlock Browser");

The function returns immediately, and does not block until the text is finished being spoken.

Controlling User Interface Elements

The airlock.ui namespace contains functions for manipulating the user interface and for influencing the user’s browsing experience.

To see the APIs in this namespace in action, please see the UI samples.

Retrieving the UI Language of the App

The UI language of the app can be set in the options screen of the app. By default, however, it uses the current operating system language. To retrieve the language code for the language use the airlock.ui.getUILanguage() function, which returns the name of the app’s UI language. The name is a combination of an ISO 639 two-letter lowercase culture code associated with a language and an ISO 3166 two-letter uppercase subculture code associated with a country or region. For example, en-AU denotes Australian English.

Entering and Exiting Fullscreen Mode

Airlock Browser provides a fullscreen mode, where the application bar and tab headers are hidden (the app’s application bar is reduced to an ellipsis), along with the built-in Android navigation bar and status bar. To determine if the app is currently in fullscreen mode use the airlock.ui.isFullScreen() function. This function returns true if the app is in fullscreen mode, and false otherwise. You can also set the fullscreen mode using the airlock.ui.setFullScreen(fullscreen).

Opening and Closing the Launchpad

The slide-in launchpad can be controlled using the airlock.ui.setLaunchpadOpen(open) function. When you call this function with a parameter value of true, the launchpad slides into view (if not already in view). A value of false closes the launchpad, allowing the browser tabs to occupy all of the user interface.

To determine the current state of the launchpad, use the airlock.ui.isLaunchpadOpen() function, which returns true if open and false otherwise.

Controlling the Orientation of the Display

Airlock Browser allows you to set the portrait or landscape lock of the display via the airlock.ui.setOrientationLock(orientationLockType) function. It accepts an enumeration value parameter of type airlock.ui.OrientationLockType, whose values are described below:

  • UNLOCKED (0): Indicates the orientation is dynamic and free to be rotated to portrait or landscape.
  • LOCK_PORTRAIT (1): The browser tab is locked to the portrait orientation.
  • LOCK_LANDSCAPE (2): The browser tab is locked to the landscape orientation.
  • SYSTEM_CONTROLLED (3): The locked or unlocked state is determined by the configuration and/or user settings in the app.

Sometimes the orientation may not be immediately determinable, in which case it has a value of SYSTEM_CONTROLLED.

To retrieve the current orientation use the airlock.ui.getOrientationLock() function.