BarCodeGetActive() → {boolean}
Gets a value indicating whether the scanner is ready.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.isScannerActive
true if the scanner is started and usable; false otherwise.
- Type
- boolean
BarCodeGetApiVersion() → {string}
Gets the API version of the device SDK. This value is retrieved
from the device SDK itself.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.getApiVersion
The API version reported by the device SDK.
- Type
- string
BarCodeGetDecodersStatus() → {Promise.<object>}
Gets an object (via a promise) containing a property for each decoder,
indicating its enabled state.
For example, a property is enableAustralianPostal whose value is boolean.
True if enabled; false otherwise.
- Source:
Returns a promise that when resolved
has properties representing each decoder's enabled state.
- Type
- Promise.<object>
BarCodeGetErrorMsg() → {object}
Gets the last scan error. Requires subscription to the scan
event via BarCodeSetCallBack;
- Source:
- See:
- BarCodeSetCallBack
- airlock.scanning.onScanError
The last scan error that occured or undefined.
- Type
- object
BarCodeGetNotificationParams() → {airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration}
Gets the set of preferences.
Properties of the configuration object vary depending
on the device SDK.
- Source:
The configuration object.
- Type
- airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration
BarCodeGetReaderData() → {airlock.scanning.ScanEventArgs}
Gets the result of the last scan event.
Requires that the BarcodeSetCallBack be called once.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.onScan.addListener
The last scan event args.
- Type
- airlock.scanning.ScanEventArgs
BarCodeGetReaderOutputConfiguration() → {airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration}
Returns the scanner configuration as an object.
Fields can be set, and the configuration can be applied using setConfiguration.
- Source:
- See:
- BarCodeSetReaderOutputConfiguration
- airlock.scanning.getConfiguration
The reader configuration.
- Type
- airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration
BarCodeGetReaderServiceVersion() → {string}
Gets the API service version of the device SDK. This value is retrieved
from the device SDK itself. There are two version numbers in the current environment for developers.
One is "Reader Service Version" and the other is "Reader API version".
The two correspond to two different entities.
API and its version number are only modified when there are new functions,
while reader service and its version number are modified whenever the code
of reader service is modified, including both bug fixes and new implementations.
So these two version numbers change independently.
If there is a new function implemented, both version numbers will change
but if the change is simply a bug fix with no API declarations changes
then only the version of the reader service will change.
- Source:
The API service version reported by the device SDK.
- Type
- string
BarCodeGetReaderType() → {string}
Gets the reader type as reported by the device SDK.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.getReaderModel
The reader type as reported by the device SDK.
- Type
- string
BarCodeGetScannerVersion() → {string}
Gets the reader firmware version as reported by the device SDK.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.getFirmwareVersion
The reader firmware version as reported by the device SDK.
- Type
- string
BarCodeGetSymbology(decoderName) → {object}
Retrieves the decoder with the specified name.
Device makers use different names for decoders. If you are uncertain
of the name, use getDecoderWithNativeId instead.
Name | Type | Description |
decoderName |
string | The name of the decoder. Cannot be null. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.getDecoderWithName
The decoder object that may allow you to modify its state.
- Type
- object
BarCodeGetUserPreferences() → {airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration}
Gets the set of preferences.
Properties of the configuration object vary depending
on the device SDK.
- Source:
The configuration object.
- Type
- airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration
Places the reader into a ready state.
You generally do not need to call this function because the scanner
is placed into a ready state automatically.
Calling this method is equivalent to calling BarCodeSetActive(true).
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.setScannerActive
Releases the resources of the scanner.
This is equivalent to calling BarCodeSetActive(false).
- Source:
BarCodeReset() → {Promise}
Resets the scanner configuration. Resets the current devices configuration
and removes any settings stored for the barcode reader, including
decoder settings and so forth.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.resetConfiguration
When resolved indicates the reset is complete.
- Type
- Promise
Starts or stops the scanner.
Name | Type | Description |
active |
boolean | If true the scanner is placed in a started state. If false, the scanner is stopped. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.setScannerActive
Subscribes to the airlock.scanning.onScan event.
Name | Type | Description |
jsFunctionName |
string | The name of a function. Cannot contain dot point operators. For example, 'foo' is allowed, but '' is not allowed. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.onScan.addListener
BarCodeSetDecodersStatus(decodersStatus) → {boolean}
Sets the decoder enabled state according to the values
set in the specified decodersStatus object.
Name | Type | Description |
decodersStatus |
object | Contains properties for each decoder. |
- Source:
- See:
true if set successfully; false otherwise.
- Type
- boolean
BarCodeSetNotificationParams(userPreference) → {boolean}
Sets the configuration.
Properties of the configuration object vary depending on the device SDK.
Name | Type | Description |
userPreference |
airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration | The configuration object. |
- Source:
true if set successfully; false otherwise.
- Type
- boolean
BarCodeSetReaderOutputConfiguration(configuration) → {boolean}
Applies the specified scanner configuration to the device.
Name | Type | Description |
configuration |
airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration | The barcode reader configuration. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.setConfiguration
true if set successfully; false otherwise.
- Type
- boolean
BarCodeSetSymbology(decoder) → {boolean}
Sets the values of a decoder.
Name | Type | Description |
decoder |
object | The decoder object. Cannot be null. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.setDecoder
true if successful; false otherwise.
- Type
- boolean
BarCodeSetUserPreferences(userPreference) → {boolean}
Sets the configuration.
Properties of the configuration object vary depending on the device SDK.
Name | Type | Description |
userPreference |
airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration | The configuration object. |
- Source:
true if set successfully; false otherwise.
- Type
- boolean
Simulates pressing hardware trigger for the barcode reader.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.scanning.beginScan
JSBeep(soundMS, silenceMS, toneFrequency, playCount) → {Boolean}
Plays a tone at the specified frequency, followed by silence.
This is repeated for the specified repetitions.
Name | Type | Description |
soundMS |
number | The duration of the tone for each repetition. Must be greater than 0. |
silenceMS |
number | The duration of silence following the tone for each repetition. Must be greater than or equal to 0. |
toneFrequency |
number | The audible frequency of the sound. Must be greater than 0. If 0 is specified then a low frequency tone (698 Hz) is used. If 1 is specified, a medium frequency (1396 Hz) is used. If 2 is specified, a high pitch frequency (2793 Hz) is used. Otherwise the actual specified frequency is used. |
playCount |
number | The number of times to play the tone followed by silence. Must be greater than 0. |
- Source:
true if the successful; false otherwise.
- Type
- Boolean
JSCleanLogFile() → {number}
Deletes the log entries via a Promise.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.log.deleteEntries
The number of deleted log entries.
- Type
- number
JSCloseBrowser(appPackageNameopt) → {boolean}
Exits the app and launches a third-party app
specified using its package name. If no package is specified,
the app just exits.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
appPackageName |
string |
<optional> |
The package to launch upon exit. |
- Source:
True if the package exists; false otherwise.
- Type
- boolean
JSCopyFile(sourcePath, destinationPath) → {Promise}
Copies the file at the specified sourcePath to the destinationPath.
Returns a Promise that when resolved indicates that the file has finished
copying. If the Promise is rejected, an error is returned.
Name | Type | Description |
sourcePath |
string | The path to the file that is to be copied. |
destinationPath |
string | The location of where to copy the file to. |
- Source:
- See:
Indicating completion or failure of the copy operation.
An error is produced by the Promise if an IO Exception is raised.
- Type
- Promise
JSDeleteFile(path) → {Promise}
Deletes a file at the specified location.
Returns a promise indicating success or failure of the operation.
Name | Type | Description |
path |
string | The location of the file to be deleted. |
- Source:
- See:
If the promise is rejected it indicates the delete was unsuccessful.
- Type
- Promise
JSFileClose(handle) → {Promise}
Closes the file stream that is presently open for the file.
Upon closing a file, its handle becomes invalid.
Name | Type | Description |
handle |
number | A file identifier for the file that was previously returned from openFile. |
- Source:
- See:
A promise that when resolved confirms
that the file has been closed.
- Type
- Promise
JSFileCreate(path) → {Promise.<number>}
Use this function to create a file.
It returns a handle (file identifier) to the file, via a Promise.
Once the handle is obtained, the file can be written to using
the identifier.
Name | Type | Description |
path |
string | The path to the file. |
- Source:
- See:
A promise that resolves to a file identifier.
- Type
- Promise.<number>
JSFileExists(path) → {Promise.<boolean>}
Returns a Promise indicating if the file at the specified location, exists.
Name | Type | Description |
path |
string | The path to the file. Cannot be null. |
- Source:
- See:
True if the file exists; false otherwise.
- Type
- Promise.<boolean>
JSFileGetCurrentDir() → {string}
Gets Airlock Browser's files directory.
This is typically located at /data/data/com.outcoder.ibrowser/files
- Source:
- See:
The path to the application's files directory.
- Type
- string
JSFileGetSDDir() → {string}
Gets the path to the shared directory on the device.
This may or may not be located on an SD card.
- Source:
- See:
The path to the device's shared storage location for apps.
- Type
- string
JSFileOpen(path) → {Promise.<number>}
Use this function to open a file.
It returns a handle (file identifier) to the file, via a Promise.
Once the handle is obtained, the file can be written to
or read from using the identifier.
Name | Type | Description |
path |
string | The path to the file. |
- Source:
- See:
A promise that resolves to a file identifier.
- Type
- Promise.<number>
JSFileRead(handle, length) → {Promise.<string>}
Reads the contents of a file as text.
Name | Type | Description |
handle |
number | The file identifier. |
length |
number | The length (in bytes) of the file to read. |
- Source:
- See:
A promise that resolves a string of text
read from the file.
- Type
- Promise.<string>
JSFileReadBase64(handle, length) → {Promise.<string>}
Reads the contents of a file as bytes and returns them as a base64 string.
Name | Type | Description |
handle |
number | The file identifier. |
length |
number | The length (in bytes) of the file to read. |
- Source:
- See:
A promise that resolves
a base64 string read from the file.
- Type
- Promise.<string>
JSFileSeek(handle, offset)
Seeks to a location (byte offset) within a file.
After which, when a read or write operation is undertaken
it will occur at the location specified by the offset parameter.
Name | Type | Description |
handle |
number | The file identifier. |
offset |
number | The offset in bytes to move to. |
- Source:
- See:
JSFileWriteBase64(handle, base64String) → {Promise}
Writes the specified base64 string to a file
with the specified handle (file identifier)
at the file's current offset.
Name | Type | Description |
handle |
number | The file identifier. |
base64String |
string | The base64 text to write to the file. |
- Source:
- See:
A promise that when resolved
indicates success of the operation.
- Type
- Promise
JSFileWriteText(handle, text) → {Promise}
Writes the specified text to a file
with the specified handle (file identifier)
at the file's current offset.
Name | Type | Description |
handle |
number | The file identifier. |
text |
string | The text to write to the file. |
- Source:
- See:
A promise that when resolved
indicates success of the operation.
- Type
- Promise
JSFullScreenMode(fullScreenopt) → {boolean}
Gets or sets the full screen mode. If the fullScreen
parameter is undefined, then a value indicating whether the app
is in full screen mode is return. If the fullScreen parameter
is supplied, then the screen mode is adjusted accordingly.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
fullScreen |
boolean |
<optional> |
Indicates what to set the full screen mode to. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.isFullScreen
- airlock.device.setFullScreen
If the fullScreen parameter is not supplied,
a value indicating the current full screen mode of the app.
- Type
- boolean
JSGetAutoRotate() → {airlock.device.OrientationLockType}
Gets the screen orientation setting for the application.
Screen orientation can be set globally, for all tabs via the app settings screen;
for web applications, via the remote application dialog in the launchpad;
or individual pages, using this JavaScript API.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.getOrientationLock
The orientation enumeration value.
1 is unlocked, 2 is locked portrait, 3 is locked landscape.
- Type
- airlock.device.OrientationLockType
JSGetBatteryLevel() → {airlock.device.PowerInfo}
Gets an object representing the device's power source and charging state.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.getPower
With fields representing the device's power source and charge level.
- Type
- airlock.device.PowerInfo
JSGetBrightness() → {float}
Obtains the screen brightness, which is a float value
between 0 and 1.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.getBrightness
brightness between 0 and 1.
- Type
- float
JSGetCurrentSsid() → {airlock.device.NetworkInfo}
Gets the information for the current network connection, if any.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.NetworkInfo
- airlock.device.getNetworkInfo
The network connection information.
- Type
- airlock.device.NetworkInfo
JSGetDeviceVolume(streamType) → {number}
Gets a value between 0 and the maximum volume, which can be
retrieved using the getMaxVolume function.
Name | Type | Description |
streamType |
airlock.device.StreamType | Indicates the source of the volume. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.getMaxVolume
- airlock.device.getVolume
A number between zero and getMaxVolume()
- Type
- number
JSGetDisplayLanguage() → {string}
Gets the name of the app's UI language.
The name is a combination of an ISO 639 two-letter
lowercase culture code associated with a language
and an ISO 3166 two-letter uppercase subculture code
associated with a country or region.
For example, en-AU denotes Australian english.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.getUILanguage
A language code resembling 'en-AU'.
- Type
- string
JSGetDisplaySleep() → {Boolean}
Gets a value indicating whether the display is currently locked.
The function requires device administration privileges be assigned to the app.
You can do this via the Enterprise Administration screen within Airlock Browser.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.isScreenLocked
Occurs if Airlock Browser has not been assigned device administration privileges.
- Type
- Exception
true if the screen is locked; false otherwise.
- Type
- Boolean
JSGetFileOffset(handle) → {number}
Gets the current location (byte offset) within a file.
When a read or write operation is undertaken
it will occur at the location specified by the offset parameter.
Name | Type | Description |
handle |
number | The file identifier. |
- Source:
- See:
The current offset in bytes.
- Type
- number
JSGetFileSize(handle) → {number}
Gets the size of a file in bytes.
Name | Type | Description |
handle |
number | The file identifier. |
- Source:
- See:
The size of the file in bytes.
- Type
- number
JSGetRingerMode() → {airlock.device.RingerMode}
Gets the ringer mode of the device.
Ringer mode determines how the phone behaves when a call
is incoming. Ringer mode may be 2 (normal), 0 (silent), or 1 (vibrate).
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.getRingerMode
2 (normal), 0 (silent), or 1 (vibrate)
- Type
- airlock.device.RingerMode
JSGetSsidList() → {Promise.<Array.<airlock.networking.WirelessNetwork>>}
Gets a promise that returns a list of WirelessNetwork objects.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.networking.getWirelessNetworks
A promise that containing
a list of wireless networks when fulfilled.
The promise may take several seconds to resolve.
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<airlock.networking.WirelessNetwork>>
JSGetSystemInfo() → {airlock.device.SystemInfo}
Gets a SystemInfo object containing various OS properties.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.getSystemInfo
Containing various OS properties.
- Type
- airlock.device.SystemInfo
JSGetTextZoomLevel() → {number}
Gets the text zoom level for the page, which is a positive floating point number,
where 1.0 is normal size. 2.0 is double the normal size.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.browsing.getTextZoomLevel
The text zoom level,
which is greater than 0; where 1.0 is normal size.
- Type
- number
JSGetWifiPower() → {number}
Gets or sets whether the device
is able to connect to wireless networks.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.networking.isWifiEnabled
1 if able to connect; 0 otherwise.
- Type
- number
Launches the app specified by its package name.
A valid package name might be, for example, ''.
Name | Type | Description |
packageName |
string | The Android package name of the app to open. |
- Source:
- See:
JSLog(level, message)
Writes a log message at the specified level.
Name | Type | Description |
level |
airlock.log.LogLevel | The log level of the message. All is 1, Debug is 2, Info is 3, Warn is 4, Error is 5 |
message |
string | The text to write to the log. |
- Source:
Sends the user to the Android home screen while minimizing the browser.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.minimizeApp
JSReadLogFile() → {Promise.<Array.<airlock.log.LogEntry>>}
Reads the log and returns the entries using a Promise.
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.log.getEntries
Resolves a list of log entries.
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<airlock.log.LogEntry>>
JSRenameFile(sourcePath, destinationPath) → {Promise}
Moves the file at the specified sourcePath to the destinationPath.
Returns a Promise that when resolved indicates that the file has finished
being moved. If the Promise is rejected, an error is returned.
Name | Type | Description |
sourcePath |
string | The path to the file that is to be move from. |
destinationPath |
string | The location of where to move the file to. |
- Source:
- See:
Indicating completion or failure of the move operation.
An error is produced by the Promise if an IO Exception is thrown.
- Type
- Promise
Sets the orientation for the browser tab, when it is active.
The value set via this function overrides any orientation lock values
from the settings within the app.
Name | Type | Description |
mode |
number | 1 is unlocked, 2 is locked portrait, 3 is locked landscape. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.setOrientationLock
Sets the screen brightness to a value between 0 and 1.
The specified value is clamped between 0.1 and 1
to prevent the device being unusable.
Name | Type | Description |
brightness |
number | A value between 0 and 1. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.setBrightness
JSSetDeviceVolume(streamType, volume)
Sets a value between 0 and the maximum volume, which can be
retrieved using the getMaxVolume function.
Name | Type | Description |
streamType |
airlock.device.StreamType | Indicates the source of the volume. |
volume |
number | A value between 0 and the maximum volume, which can be retrieved using the getMaxVolume function. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.setVolume
Engages or disengages the devices screen lock.
The function requires device administration privileges be assigned to the app.
You can do this via the Enterprise Administration screen within Airlock Browser.
Name | Type | Description |
enable |
boolean | If true the display is locked. If false, its unlocked. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.lockScreen
- airlock.device.unlockScreen
Occurs if Airlock Browser has not been assigned device administration privileges.
- Type
- Exception
JSSetHttpErrorAction(actionopt, urlopt)
Sets the navigation error action associate with the specified URL.
If a URL is not specified, the navigation error action for the current
remote web application is returned. And, if that is not specified,
the browser's navigation error action setting is returned.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
action |
airlock.networking.NavigationErrorAction |
<optional> |
The action to perform when a navigation error occurs. |
url |
string |
<optional> |
The URL of the page for which to determine the navigation error action. Can be undefined. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.browsing.setNavigationErrorAction
Sets the ringer mode of the device.
Ringer mode determines how the phone behaves when a call
is incoming. Ringer mode may be 2 (normal), 0 (silent), or 1 (vibrate).
Name | Type | Description |
mode |
airlock.device.RingerMode | Allowed values are 2 (normal), 0 (silent), or 1 (vibrate) |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.setRingerMode
Sets the text zoom level for the page, which is a positive floating point number,
where 1.0 is normal size. 2.0 is double the normal size.
The specified value is clamped between 0.1 and 5.0.
Name | Type | Description |
level |
number | The text zoom level, which is greater than 0; where 1.0 is normal size. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.browsing.setTextZoomLevel
Enables or disables wireless networking.
Name | Type | Description |
mode |
number | If 1, WIFI is enabled; otherwise, it is disabled. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.networking.setWifiEnabled
JSVibrate(onTimeopt, offTimeopt, countopt) → {Boolean}
Causes the device to vibrate for the specified duration.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
onTime |
number |
<optional> |
The duration for which to vibrate, in milliseconds. If not specified, a value of 100 MS is used. |
offTime |
number |
<optional> |
The pause time in milliseconds between repetitions. Default is 0. |
count |
number |
<optional> |
The number of times to vibrate then pause. |
- Source:
- See:
- airlock.device.vibrate
true if the successful; false otherwise.
- Type
- Boolean