Source: CipherLab.js

 * @file Provides a script interface for interacting with Airlock Browser
 * @version 1.2.0
 * @copyright Outcoder Sarl 2018. All Rights Reserved.

var clLastScanText = "";

 * Subscribes to the airlock.scanning.onScan event.
 * @param {string} jsFunctionName The name of a function.
 * Cannot contain dot point operators.
 * For example, 'foo' is allowed, but '' is not allowed.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.onScan.addListener}
function BarCodeSetCallBack(jsFunctionName) {
	airlock.scanning.onScan.addListener(function (args) {
		clLastScanText = args.text;

	airlock.scanning.onScanError.addListener(function(args) {
		clLastScanError = args.errorInfo;

 * Gets the result of the last scan event.
 * Requires that the BarcodeSetCallBack be called once.
 * @returns {airlock.scanning.ScanEventArgs} The last scan event args.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.onScan.addListener}
function BarCodeGetReaderData() {
	return clLastScanText;

 * Simulates pressing hardware trigger for the barcode reader.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.beginScan}
function BarCodeSoftScanTrigger() {

 * Places the reader into a ready state.
 * You generally do not need to call this function because the scanner
 * is placed into a ready state automatically.
 * Calling this method is equivalent to calling BarCodeSetActive(true).
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.setScannerActive}
function BarCodeInit() {

 * Resets the scanner configuration. Resets the current devices configuration
 * and removes any settings stored for the barcode reader, including
 * decoder settings and so forth.
 * @returns {Promise} When resolved indicates the reset is complete.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.resetConfiguration}
function BarCodeReset() {
	return airlock.scanning.resetConfiguration();

 * Gets a value indicating whether the scanner is ready.
 * @returns {boolean} true if the scanner is started and usable; false otherwise.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.isScannerActive}
function BarCodeGetActive() {
	return airlock.scanning.isScannerActive();

 * Starts or stops the scanner.
 * @param {boolean} active If true the scanner is placed in a started state.
 * If false, the scanner is stopped.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.setScannerActive}
function BarCodeSetActive(active) {

 * Gets the reader type as reported by the device SDK.
 * @returns {string} The reader type as reported by the device SDK.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.getReaderModel}
function BarCodeGetReaderType() {
	return airlock.scanning.getReaderModel();

 * Gets the reader firmware version as reported by the device SDK.
 * @returns {string} The reader firmware version as reported by the device SDK.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.getFirmwareVersion}
function BarCodeGetScannerVersion() {
	return airlock.scanning.getFirmwareVersion();

 * Returns the scanner configuration as an object.
 * Fields can be set, and the configuration can be applied using setConfiguration.
 * @see {@link BarCodeSetReaderOutputConfiguration}
 * @return {airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration} The reader configuration.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.getConfiguration}
function BarCodeGetReaderOutputConfiguration() {
	return airlock.scanning.getConfiguration();

 * Applies the specified scanner configuration to the device.
 * @param {airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration} configuration The barcode reader configuration.
 * @returns {boolean} true if set successfully; false otherwise.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.setConfiguration}
function BarCodeSetReaderOutputConfiguration(configuration) {
	try {
		return true;
	} catch (e) {
		clLastScanError = e;
		return false;

 * Gets the API service version of the device SDK. This value is retrieved
 * from the device SDK itself. There are two version numbers in the current environment for developers.
 * One is "Reader Service Version" and the other is "Reader API version".
 * The two correspond to two different entities.
 * API and its version number are only modified when there are new functions,
 * while reader service and its version number are modified whenever the code
 * of reader service is modified, including both bug fixes and new implementations.
 * So these two version numbers change independently.
 * If there is a new function implemented, both version numbers will change
 * but if the change is simply a bug fix with no API declarations changes
 * then only the version of the reader service will change.
 * @returns {string} The API service version reported by the device SDK.
function BarCodeGetReaderServiceVersion() {
	return pageHost.ii.getResult("scanning.getApiVersionWithPatch");

 * Gets the API version of the device SDK. This value is retrieved
 * from the device SDK itself.
 * @returns {string} The API version reported by the device SDK.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.getApiVersion}
function BarCodeGetApiVersion() {
	return airlock.scanning.getApiVersion();

 * Gets an object (via a promise) containing a property for each decoder,
 * indicating its enabled state.
 * For example, a property is enableAustralianPostal whose value is boolean.
 * True if enabled; false otherwise.
 * @returns {Promise<object>} Returns a promise that when resolved
 * has properties representing each decoder's enabled state.
function BarCodeGetDecodersStatus() {

	return airlock.scanning.getDecoders()
		.then(function (decoders) {
			var decoderMap = new Map();
			var result = {};
			for (var i = 0; i < decoders.length; i++) {
				var decoder = decoders[i];
				var propertyName = `enable${}`;
				result[propertyName] = decoder.enabled;
				decoderMap.set(propertyName, decoder);

			result._decoderMap = decoderMap;

			return result;

 * Sets the decoder enabled state according to the values
 * set in the specified decodersStatus object.
 * @param {object} decodersStatus Contains properties for each decoder.
 * @returns {boolean} true if set successfully; false otherwise.
 * @see {@link BarCodeGetDecodersStatus}
function BarCodeSetDecodersStatus(decodersStatus) {
	for (var propertyName in decodersStatus) {
		if (!decodersStatus.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {

		var decoderMap = decodersStatus._decoderMap;
		var decoder = decoderMap.get(propertyName);
		if (!decoder) {

		var propertyValue = decodersStatus[propertyName];

		decoder.enabled = propertyValue === true;

		try {
		} catch (e) {
			if (e !== null && e !== undefined && e.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("not supported") !== -1) {
			clLastScanError = e;
			return false;

	return true;

 * Retrieves the decoder with the specified name.
 * Device makers use different names for decoders. If you are uncertain
 * of the name, use getDecoderWithNativeId instead.
 * @param {string} decoderName The name of the decoder. Cannot be null.
 * @returns {object} The decoder object that may allow you to modify its state.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.getDecoderWithName}
function BarCodeGetSymbology(decoderName) {
	return airlock.scanning.getDecoderWithName(decoderName);

var clLastScanError = "";

 * Gets the last scan error. Requires subscription to the scan
 * event via BarCodeSetCallBack;
 * @returns {object} The last scan error that occured or undefined.
 * @see {@link BarCodeSetCallBack}
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.onScanError}
function BarCodeGetErrorMsg() {
	return clLastScanError;

 * Releases the resources of the scanner.
 * This is equivalent to calling BarCodeSetActive(false).
function BarCodeRelease() {

 * Sets the values of a decoder.
 * @param {object} decoder The decoder object. Cannot be null.
 * @returns {boolean} true if successful; false otherwise.
 * @see {@link airlock.scanning.setDecoder}
function BarCodeSetSymbology(decoder) {
	try {
	} catch (e) {
		clLastScanError = e;
		/* The reason we return a boolean is for compatibility with existing applications. */
		return false;

	return true;

 * Gets or sets the full screen mode. If the fullScreen
 * parameter is undefined, then a value indicating whether the app
 * is in full screen mode is return. If the fullScreen parameter
 * is supplied, then the screen mode is adjusted accordingly.
 * @param {boolean} [fullScreen]
 * Indicates what to set the full screen mode to.
 * @returns {boolean} If the fullScreen parameter is not supplied,
 * a value indicating the current full screen mode of the app.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.isFullScreen}
 * @see {@link airlock.device.setFullScreen}
function JSFullScreenMode(fullScreen) {
	if (fullScreen === null) {
		return airlock.ui.isFullScreen();
	return airlock.ui.setFullScreen(fullScreen);

 * Sends the user to the Android home screen while minimizing the browser.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.minimizeApp}
function JSMinimizeBrowser() {;

 * Obtains the screen brightness, which is a float value
 * between 0 and 1.
 * @returns {float} brightness between 0 and 1.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.getBrightness}
function JSGetBrightness() {
	return airlock.device.getBrightness();

 * Sets the screen brightness to a value between 0 and 1.
 * The specified value is clamped between 0.1 and 1
 * to prevent the device being unusable.
 * @param {number} brightness A value between 0 and 1.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.setBrightness}
function JSSetBrightness(brightness) {

 * Gets the text zoom level for the page, which is a positive floating point number,
 * where 1.0 is normal size. 2.0 is double the normal size. 
 * @returns {number} The text zoom level,
 * which is greater than 0; where 1.0 is normal size.
 * @see {@link airlock.browsing.getTextZoomLevel}
function JSGetTextZoomLevel() {
	return airlock.browsing.getTextZoomLevel();

 * Sets the text zoom level for the page, which is a positive floating point number,
 * where 1.0 is normal size. 2.0 is double the normal size.
 * The specified value is clamped between 0.1 and 5.0.
 * @param {number} level The text zoom level,
 * which is greater than 0; where 1.0 is normal size.
 * @see {@link airlock.browsing.setTextZoomLevel}
function JSSetTextZoomLevel(level) {

 * Gets the ringer mode of the device.
 * Ringer mode determines how the phone behaves when a call
 * is incoming. Ringer mode may be 2 (normal), 0 (silent), or 1 (vibrate).
 * @returns {airlock.device.RingerMode} 2 (normal), 0 (silent), or 1 (vibrate)
 * @see {@link airlock.device.getRingerMode}
function JSGetRingerMode() {
	return airlock.device.getRingerMode();

 * Sets the ringer mode of the device.
 * Ringer mode determines how the phone behaves when a call
 * is incoming. Ringer mode may be 2 (normal), 0 (silent), or 1 (vibrate).
 * @param {airlock.device.RingerMode} mode Allowed values are
 * 2 (normal), 0 (silent), or 1 (vibrate)
 * @see {@link airlock.device.setRingerMode}
function JSSetRingerMode(mode) {

 * Gets a value between 0 and the maximum volume, which can be
 * retrieved using the getMaxVolume function.
 * @param {airlock.device.StreamType} streamType
 * Indicates the source of the volume.
 * @returns {number} A number between zero and getMaxVolume()
 * @see {@link airlock.device.getMaxVolume}
 * @see {@link airlock.device.getVolume}
function JSGetDeviceVolume(streamType) {
	return airlock.device.getVolume(streamType);

 * Sets a value between 0 and the maximum volume, which can be
 * retrieved using the getMaxVolume function.
 * @param {airlock.device.StreamType} streamType
 * Indicates the source of the volume.
 * @param {number} volume A value between 0 and the maximum volume,
 * which can be retrieved using the getMaxVolume function.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.setVolume}
function JSSetDeviceVolume(streamType, volume) {
	airlock.device.setVolume(streamType, volume);

 * Writes a log message at the specified level. 
 * @param {airlock.log.LogLevel} level The log level of the message.
 * All is 1, Debug is 2, Info is 3, Warn is 4, Error is 5
 * @param {string} message The text to write to the log.
function JSLog(level, message) {
	var mappedLevel = 1;
	switch (level) {
		case 1:
			mappedLevel = 1;
		case 2:
			mappedLevel = 2;
		case 3:
			mappedLevel = 4;
		case 4:
			mappedLevel = 8;
		case 5:
			mappedLevel = 16;

	/* The offset is 1, to exclude this method
	 from determining the line number identification and so forth. */
	pageHost.ii.log.writeLog(mappedLevel, message, 1);

 * Reads the log and returns the entries using a Promise.
 * @returns {Promise<Array.<airlock.log.LogEntry>>} Resolves a list of log entries.
 * @see {@link airlock.log.getEntries}
function JSReadLogFile() {
	return airlock.log.getEntries();

 * Deletes the log entries via a Promise.
 * @returns {number} The number of deleted log entries.
 * @see {@link airlock.log.deleteEntries}
function JSCleanLogFile() {
	return airlock.log.deleteEntries();

 * Plays a tone at the specified frequency, followed by silence.
 * This is repeated for the specified repetitions.
 * @param {number} soundMS The duration of the tone for each repetition. Must be greater than 0. 
 * @param {number} silenceMS The duration of silence following the tone for each repetition.
 * Must be greater than or equal to 0.
 * @param {number} toneFrequency The audible frequency of the sound. Must be greater than 0.
 * If 0 is specified then a low frequency tone (698 Hz) is used. If 1 is specified,
 * a medium frequency (1396 Hz) is used.
 * If 2 is specified, a high pitch frequency (2793 Hz) is used.
 * Otherwise the actual specified frequency is used.
 * @param {number} playCount The number of times to play the tone followed by silence.
 * Must be greater than 0.
 * @returns {Boolean} true if the successful; false otherwise.
function JSBeep(soundMS, silenceMS, toneFrequency, playCount) {
	var actualFrequency = toneFrequency;
	if (toneFrequency === 0) {
		actualFrequency = 698;
	} else if (toneFrequency === 1) {
		actualFrequency = 1396;
	} else if (toneFrequency === 2) {
		actualFrequency = 2793;
	try {
		airlock.device.soundToneFollowedBySilence(soundMS, silenceMS, playCount, actualFrequency);
		return true;
	} catch (e) {
		return false;

 * Causes the device to vibrate for the specified duration.
 * @param {number} [onTime] The duration for which to vibrate,
 * in milliseconds. If not specified, a value of 100 MS is used.
 * @param {number} [offTime] The pause time in milliseconds between repetitions.
 *	Default is 0.
 * @param {number} [count] The number of times to vibrate then pause.
 * @returns {Boolean} true if the successful; false otherwise.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.vibrate}
function JSVibrate(onTime, offTime, count) {
	try {
		airlock.device.vibrate(onTime, offTime, count);
		return true;
	} catch (e) {
		return false;

 * Gets a value indicating whether the display is currently locked.
 * The function requires device administration privileges be assigned to the app.
 * You can do this via the Enterprise Administration screen within Airlock Browser.
 * @see {@link}
 * @exception {Exception} Occurs if Airlock Browser has not been
 * assigned device administration privileges.
 * @returns {Boolean} true if the screen is locked; false otherwise.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.isScreenLocked}
function JSGetDisplaySleep() {
	return airlock.device.isScreenLocked();

 * Engages or disengages the devices screen lock.
 * The function requires device administration privileges be assigned to the app.
 * You can do this via the Enterprise Administration screen within Airlock Browser.
 * @param {boolean} enable If true the display is locked. If false, its unlocked.
 * @see {@link}
 * @exception {Exception} Occurs if Airlock Browser has not been
 * assigned device administration privileges.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.lockScreen}
 * @see {@link airlock.device.unlockScreen}
function JSSetDisplaySleep(enable) {
	if (enable) {
	} else {

 * Gets the screen orientation setting for the application.
 * Screen orientation can be set globally, for all tabs via the app settings screen;
 * for web applications, via the remote application dialog in the launchpad;
 * or individual pages, using this JavaScript API.
 * @returns {airlock.device.OrientationLockType} The orientation enumeration value.
 * 1 is unlocked, 2 is locked portrait, 3 is locked landscape.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.getOrientationLock}
function JSGetAutoRotate() {
	var value = airlock.ui.getOrientationLock();
	var lockType;

	switch (value) {
		case airlock.ui.OrientationLockType.UNLOCKED:
			lockType = 1;
		case airlock.ui.OrientationLockType.LOCK_PORTRAIT:
			lockType = 2;
		case airlock.ui.OrientationLockType.LOCK_LANDSCAPE:
			lockType = 3;
			lockType = 1; /* Don't know what to return here because the API 
			 * is slightly incompatible with Airlocks. It's better to use the Airlock API. */

	return lockType;

 * Sets the orientation for the browser tab, when it is active.
 * The value set via this function overrides any orientation lock values
 * from the settings within the app.
 * @param {number} mode 1 is unlocked, 2 is locked portrait, 3 is locked landscape.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.setOrientationLock}
function JSSetAutoRotate(mode) {
	var lockType;
	switch (mode) {
		case 1:
			lockType = airlock.ui.OrientationLockType.UNLOCKED;
		case 2:
			lockType = airlock.ui.OrientationLockType.LOCK_PORTRAIT;
		case 3:
			lockType = airlock.ui.OrientationLockType.LOCK_LANDSCAPE;
			throw "Invalid value mode. Must be a number. 1, 2, or 3.";

 * Gets an object representing the device's power source and charging state.
 * @returns {airlock.device.PowerInfo} With fields representing the device's power source and charge level.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.getPower}
function JSGetBatteryLevel() {
	return airlock.device.getPower().remainingBatteryPercent;

 * Gets the name of the app's UI language.
 * The name is a combination of an ISO 639 two-letter
 * lowercase culture code associated with a language
 * and an ISO 3166 two-letter uppercase subculture code
 * associated with a country or region.
 * For example, en-AU denotes Australian english.
 * @returns {string} A language code resembling 'en-AU'.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.getUILanguage}
function JSGetDisplayLanguage() {
	return airlock.ui.getUILanguage();

 * Gets the information for the current network connection, if any.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.NetworkInfo}
 * @returns {airlock.device.NetworkInfo} The network connection information.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.getNetworkInfo}
function JSGetCurrentSsid() {
	var info = airlock.networking.getNetworkInfo();
	return info.ssid;

 * Gets a promise that returns a list of WirelessNetwork objects.
 * @returns {Promise<Array.<airlock.networking.WirelessNetwork>>} A promise that containing
 * a list of wireless networks when fulfilled.
 * The promise may take several seconds to resolve.
 * @see {@link airlock.networking.getWirelessNetworks}
function JSGetSsidList() {
	return airlock.networking.getWirelessNetworks();

 * Enables or disables wireless networking.
 * @param {number} mode If 1, WIFI is enabled; otherwise, it is disabled.
 * @see {@link airlock.networking.setWifiEnabled}
function JSSetWifiPower(mode) {
	airlock.networking.setWifiEnabled(mode === 1 || mode === "1");

 * Gets or sets whether the device
 * is able to connect to wireless networks.
 * @returns {number} 1 if able to connect; 0 otherwise.
 * @see {@link airlock.networking.isWifiEnabled}
function JSGetWifiPower() {
	return airlock.networking.isWifiEnabled() ? 1 : 0;

 * Gets a SystemInfo object containing various OS properties.
 * @returns {airlock.device.SystemInfo} Containing various OS properties.
 * @see {@link airlock.device.getSystemInfo}
function JSGetSystemInfo() {
	return airlock.device.getSystemInfo();

 * Launches the app specified by its package name.
 * A valid package name might be, for example, ''.
 * @param {string} packageName The Android package name of the app to open.
 * @see {@link}
function JSLaunchApp(packageName) {;

 * Exits the app and launches a third-party app
 * specified using its package name. If no package is specified,
 * the app just exits.
 * @param {string} [appPackageName] The package to launch upon exit.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the package exists; false otherwise.
function JSCloseBrowser(appPackageName) {
	if (!appPackageName) {;
		return true;

	if (!airlock.device.isPackageInstalled(appPackageName)) {
		return false;
	return true;

 * Copies the file at the specified sourcePath to the destinationPath.
 * Returns a Promise that when resolved indicates that the file has finished
 * copying. If the Promise is rejected, an error is returned.
 * @param {string} sourcePath The path to the file that is to be copied.
 * @param {string} destinationPath The location of where to copy the file to.
 * @returns {Promise} Indicating completion or failure of the copy operation.
 * An error is produced by the Promise if an IO Exception is raised.
 * @see {@link}
function JSCopyFile(sourcePath, destinationPath) {
	return, destinationPath);

 * Deletes a file at the specified location.
 * Returns a promise indicating success or failure of the operation.
 * @param {string} path The location of the file to be deleted.
 * @returns {Promise} If the promise is rejected it indicates the delete was unsuccessful.
 * @see {@link}
function JSDeleteFile(path) {

 * Moves the file at the specified sourcePath to the destinationPath.
 * Returns a Promise that when resolved indicates that the file has finished
 * being moved. If the Promise is rejected, an error is returned.
 * @param {string} sourcePath The path to the file that is to be move from.
 * @param {string} destinationPath The location of where to move the file to.
 * @returns {Promise} Indicating completion or failure of the move operation.
 * An error is produced by the Promise if an IO Exception is thrown.
 * @see {@link}
 * @see {@link}
function JSRenameFile(sourcePath, destinationPath) {
	return, destinationPath);

 * Returns a Promise indicating if the file at the specified location, exists.
 * @param {string} path The path to the file. Cannot be null.
 * @returns {Promise<boolean>} True if the file exists; false otherwise.
 * @see {@link}
function JSFileExists(path) {

 * Gets Airlock Browser's files directory.
 * This is typically located at /data/data/com.outcoder.ibrowser/files
 * @returns {string} The path to the application's files directory.
 * @see {@link}
function JSFileGetCurrentDir() {

 * Gets the path to the shared directory on the device.
 * This may or may not be located on an SD card.
 * @returns {string} The path to the device's shared storage location for apps.
 * @see {@link}
 * @see {@link}
function JSFileGetSDDir() {

 * Use this function to open a file.
 * It returns a handle (file identifier) to the file, via a Promise.
 * Once the handle is obtained, the file can be written to
 * or read from using the identifier.
 * @param {string} path The path to the file.
 * @returns {Promise<number>} A promise that resolves to a file identifier.
 * @see {@link}
function JSFileOpen(path) {
	return, 3);

 * Use this function to create a file.
 * It returns a handle (file identifier) to the file, via a Promise.
 * Once the handle is obtained, the file can be written to using
 * the identifier.
 * @param {string} path The path to the file.
 * @returns {Promise<number>} A promise that resolves to a file identifier.
 * @see {@link}
function JSFileCreate(path) {
	return, 1);

 * Closes the file stream that is presently open for the file.
 * Upon closing a file, its handle becomes invalid.
 * @param {number} handle A file identifier for the file
 * that was previously returned from openFile.
 * @returns {Promise} A promise that when resolved confirms
 * that the file has been closed.
 * @see {@link}
function JSFileClose(handle) {

 * Reads the contents of a file as bytes and returns them as a base64 string.
 * @param {number} handle The file identifier.
 * @param {number} length The length (in bytes) of the file to read.
 * @returns {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves
 * a base64 string read from the file.
 * @see {@link}
function JSFileReadBase64(handle, length) {
	return, length);

 * Reads the contents of a file as text.
 * @param {number} handle The file identifier.
 * @param {number} length The length (in bytes) of the file to read.
  * @returns {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves a string of text
 * read from the file.
 * @see {@link}
function JSFileRead(handle, length) {
	return, length);

 * Writes the specified base64 string to a file
 * with the specified handle (file identifier)
 * at the file's current offset.
 * @param {number} handle The file identifier.
 * @param {string} base64String The base64 text to write to the file.
 * @returns {Promise} A promise that when resolved
 * indicates success of the operation.
 * @see {@link}
function JSFileWriteBase64(handle, base64String) {
	return, base64String);

 * Writes the specified text to a file
 * with the specified handle (file identifier)
 * at the file's current offset.
 * @param {number} handle The file identifier.
 * @param {string} text The text to write to the file.
 * @returns {Promise} A promise that when resolved
 * indicates success of the operation.
 * @see {@link}
function JSFileWriteText(handle, text) {
	return, text);

 * Gets the current location (byte offset) within a file.
 * When a read or write operation is undertaken
 * it will occur at the location specified by the offset parameter.
 * @param {number} handle The file identifier.
 * @returns {number} The current offset in bytes.
 * @see {@link}
function JSGetFileOffset(handle) {

 * Seeks to a location (byte offset) within a file.
 * After which, when a read or write operation is undertaken
 * it will occur at the location specified by the offset parameter.
 * @param {number} handle The file identifier.
 * @param {number} offset The offset in bytes to move to.
 * @see {@link}
function JSFileSeek(handle, offset) {, offset);

 * Gets the size of a file in bytes.
 * @param {number} handle The file identifier.
 * @returns {number} The size of the file in bytes.
 * @see {@link}
function JSGetFileSize(handle) {

 * Sets the navigation error action associate with the specified URL.
 * If a URL is not specified, the navigation error action for the current
 * remote web application is returned. And, if that is not specified,
 * the browser's navigation error action setting is returned.
 * @param {airlock.networking.NavigationErrorAction} [action]
 * The action to perform when a navigation error occurs.
 * @param {string} [url] The URL of the page for which
 * to determine the navigation error action. Can be undefined.
 * @see {@link airlock.browsing.setNavigationErrorAction}
function JSSetHttpErrorAction(action, url) {
	airlock.browsing.setNavigationErrorAction(action, url);

 * Gets the set of preferences.
 * Properties of the configuration object vary depending
 * on the device SDK.
 * @returns {airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration} The configuration object.
function BarCodeGetUserPreferences() {
	return airlock.scanning.getConfiguration();

 * Sets the configuration.
 * Properties of the configuration object vary depending on the device SDK.
 * @param {airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration} userPreference The configuration object.
 * @returns {boolean} true if set successfully; false otherwise.
function BarCodeSetUserPreferences(userPreference) {
	try {
		return true;
	} catch (e) {
		clLastScanError = e;
		return false;

 * Gets the set of preferences.
 * Properties of the configuration object vary depending
 * on the device SDK.
 * @returns {airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration} The configuration object.
function BarCodeGetNotificationParams() {
	return airlock.scanning.getConfiguration();

 * Sets the configuration.
 * Properties of the configuration object vary depending on the device SDK.
 * @param {airlock.sdks.cipherLab.CipherLabDeviceConfiguration} userPreference The configuration object.
 * @returns {boolean} true if set successfully; false otherwise.
function BarCodeSetNotificationParams(userPreference) {
	try {
		return true;
	} catch (e) {
		clLastScanError = e;
		return false;