Namespace: cipherLab


The root namespace for CipherLab specific APIs.



Type Definitions


Name Type Default Description
ledDuration number 0 Valid values are [0, 5000].
readerBeep number 0 Valid values are 0 (Default), 1 (Mute), 2 (Alarm2), 3 (Alarm3), 4 (Hwandsw), 5 (LowBattery), 6 (MenuPopup), 7 (MessageBox), 8 (Notify), 9 (VoiceBeep).
clearPreviousData boolean false
showCodeType boolean false
showCodeLen boolean false
szCharsetName number 0 Valid values are 0 (utf8), 1 (windows1250), 2 (windows1251), 3 (windows1252), 4 (windows1253), 5 (windows1254), 6 (windows1255), 7 (windows1256), 8 (windows1257), 9 (windows1258), 10 (big5), 11 (shift_JIS), 12 (gbk).
szPrefixCode string
szSuffixCode string
useDelim string
addonSecurityLevel number 10 Valid values are [2, 30].
laserOnTime number 3000 Valid values are [500, 9900].
decodingAimingPattern boolean true A value that specifies whether to project the aiming pattern on every barcode capture.
decodingIllumination boolean true
displayMode boolean false
decodingIlluminationPowerLevel number 10 Valid values are [0, 10].
interCharGapSize number 6 A value that specifies the intercharacter gap size for Code 39 and Codabar, which is typically quite small. Due to various barcode printing technologies, this gap can grow larger than the maximum size allowed and prevent the scan engine from decoding a barcode. If this problem occurs, set it to "Large Intercharacter Gaps" to tolerate these out-of-specification barcodes. Valid values are 6 (Normal), 10 (Large).
negativeBarcodes number 0 Valid values are 0 (RegularOnly), 1 (InverseOnly), 2 (AutoDetect).
pickListMode boolean false
timeoutPresentationMode number 900000 A value that specifies the minimum time interval between reading two identical barcodes. This helps prevent the scanner from accidentally reading the same barcode twice. This parameter applies to Continuous and Presentation modes. Valid values are [60000, 1800000].
redundancyLevel number 1 A value that specifies decode redundancy. Higher redundancy levels should be selected for deteriorated barcode quality. Valid values are 1 (Level1), 2 (Level2), 3 (Level3), 4 (Level4).
scanAngle number 0 Valid values are 0 (Wide), 1 (Narrow).
securityLevel number 0 Valid values are [0, 3].
timeoutBetweenSameSymbology number 1000 A value that specifies the minimum time interval in milliseconds between reading two identical barcodes. This helps prevent the scanner from accidentally reading the same barcode twice. This parameter applies to Continuous and Presentation modes. 0 ~ 9900 *1000 (millisecond) 0 ~ 2550 *300 (millisecond) for the EX25 scan engine only Valid values are [0, 9900].
aimerMode number 0 Valid values are 0 (Typical), 1 (OnePullAimAndRead), 2 (OnePullAimSecondPullRead).
centerDecoding boolean true
centerDecodingTolerance number 0 Valid values are [0, 100].
transmitCodeIdChar number 0 Valid values are 0 (None), 1 (AimCodeId).
triggerMode number 0 Valid values are 0 (LevelMode), 1 (ContinuousMode), 2 (PresentationMode), 3 (AutoAimMode).
triggerPresentationMode boolean false
notifyBarcodeReadSuccessful boolean true
notifyBarcodeReadFailed boolean false
barcodeVibrate boolean true
barcodeSuccessVibrateMS number true Valid values are [1, 1500].